Read this first!
Please read this page, as it will explain what you need to do to be allowed to create addons!
Before you do anything, read our license! We are using a Custom Open-Source/Source-available license.
What does a Custom Open-Source/Source-available License mean? According to our license:
- You need permission to use our mod's source code.
- BUT: You're free to create addons and do NOT need to ask for any permission.
NOTE: Take the words in the license and on this page SERIOUSLY. If you're caught making addons while banned, you won't get a pleasant response. For example, we may take the source code from your illegal addons/mods, and we won’t have to credit you.
We don't threaten our addon developers
We might seem strict with the license, but in Scrap Mechanic, you could make a popular mod that contains elements from other mods (i.e., stealing mods) and face no consequences (e.g., New Legend Mod).
We don't want any malicious addons or addons that do more harm than good. What we want are addons that are beneficial to the mod.
Just don't steal people's work and dont lie towards people.